Creative blog hop

The lovely Jen over at Tea & Knitting tagged me in a creative blog hop. She blogs about knitting and crocheting and loves everything penguiny and Harry Potter. I previously blogged about a great crocheted frog purse she made.

My blog hasn’t been running too long at the moment and while I also draw, knit and generally make things I haven’t made much in the last few months except cakes, but I’ll do my best answering the four questions I’ve been asked to answer about my creativity :).

1. What am I working on?

I’m not working on anything specifically at the moment. I want to learn to crochet so I’m supposed to be ‘working’ on that (you can see my first attempt at the beginnings of a granny square here). I don’t tend to knit big projects (in fact, I like to work on really tiny things like my mini-me) so I finish most of my projects in one go. I like finding good vegan recipes or messing around with my own so that’s always an ongoing project!

2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?

Because I’m a novice crafter, I don’t think it does? What I love about making things is that I can create things I want and make them personal. I love setting myself the challenge of making a cake vegan or adapting a knitting pattern. There are lots of mistakes along the way, but I’m okay with that.

3. Why do I write/create what I do?

I have always been creative and have enjoyed making things and drawing since as long as I can remember. I took the creative route through school and even went to art school to study Architecture, but then decided that I didn’t love buildings as much as everyone around me and transferred to study English Language, my other love.

I love creating things because I can make something exactly how I want it. When I found out I was lactose intolerant a few years ago I was so glad I could bake as it meant I could adapt my recipes and still eat all my favourite cakes without having to hunt out a vegan cafe whenever I fancied a slice of something. I LOVE learning and trying new things (I actually just got my grades back for the Chemistry AS evening class I took this year!) and I think my creating is an extension of my nerdiness. While following a recipe or a pattern is enjoyable, I love working out how to adapt them; for example figuring out how a small alteration might affect a finished piece of knitting.

4. How does my writing/creating process work?

I’m a fairly novice crafter compared with lots of people so while I often adapt patterns and recipes I don’t often design them entirely from scratch. I have a massive favourites list on my web browser and on my Pinterest crafting board so when I fancy making something I often look on there to see what I fancy.

As part of the blog hop I’m tagging Moomie Swan’s tumblr. Here she shares her doodles and ideas. You can also check out her website here. Moomie and I have known each other since we were children and used to make and draw stuff together. She’s now all grown up into a fab illustrator. She has a graphic novel style to her illustrations and I’d definitely recommend checking her work out. She’s been working on some illustrations of pirates, which I really love!

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